Fitness Stations

Fitness Training Cicuits are a great compliment to the outdoor fitness equipment. We can supply fitness stations and Children’s Fitness Equipment and Children’s Gym units as complete circuit work outs or as individual stations.
Our outdoor gym exercise equipment is designed and developed to be used outdoors, making outdoor fitness equipment truly accessible for all. Our fitness equipment for schools and parks allows people to get fit in the fresh air and is accessible all year long whatever the elements.
It's important that our fitness equipment for schools stands up to regular use especially as it’s a popular sport premium equipment choice for many schools. Our unique and robust design makes outdoor exercise equipment safe to use with the resistance provided by the user’s own body weight. We provide a range of outdoor fitness equipment for schools and stations plus specially discounted target group packages. In addition to outdoor gyms for schools we supply and install fitness stations that allow outdoor circuit training with sit up benches, dip stations, pull up bars, chin up bars, press up benches all combined into fantastic all in one outdoor fitness equipment stations that can used all year long.
An outdoor gym or fitness trail is an ideal solution to encourage outside exercise and fun and enjoyment for all. All our outdoor gym equipment has been designed and manufactured to comply with the BS and European safety standard and can be purchased individually or as part of a package. We have pre-selected a number of product bundles that offer a wide range of muscle-building exercise or fun cardio workouts. However, if you would like to build a bespoke bundle of outdoor fitness equipments to your specific needs, please contact one of the leading playground companies for more information.
The trim trail units can be used individually or in pairs or groups. It is ideally suited for group classes and exercise programs and installed as a trim trail or green gym. All our outdoor gym stations and outdoor fitness equipment can be seen as green as we use sustainably sourced timbers in all of our outdoor gym and fitness equipments projects for schools’ project.
We also supply and install treated round log adult’s timber fitness trails, assault courses or 'Green Gyms'. Designed to be used by primary and secondary school aged pupils and adults too. Premier play Solutions as a leading playground equipment supplier have have installed many courses around the UK in parks and open spaces. References are available upon request. In addition to our standard fitness trails for school we can provide assault courses for schools, assault courses for cadets, assault courses for scouts and guides and can also supply and install assault courses challenging enough for the armed services, MOD and supervised areas. we also offer a range of more demanding "PT Trails" (outdoor physical training trails that are the ultimate of outdoor fitness equipment.
Fitness trails for adults are specialised pieces of adult outdoor exercise equipment and are not up scaled versions of children’s play equipment. They provide challenging yet safe pieces of outdoor gym equipment are not to be used as toys.
Contact Premier Play Solutions now more information about any of the following
- Playground Installation Service - More information about our outdoor fitness trail equipment installation services that include outdoor fitness equipment choices such as;
- Low level equipment for balance and co-ordination - i.e. balance boards, balance beams, burma bridges, stepping stones, wobble bridges and twin crossovers.
- Low level lower body exercise equipment - i.e. multi exercise gym benches, inclined benches, sit up benches and platforms, log vaults and bunny hops.
- Upper body exercise equipment - i.e. horizontal ladders, bench presses, monkey bars, overhead rings, parallel bars, tricep dips, arm stretches, chin ups and pull ups.
Climbing and jumping equipment - i.e. gate climbs, run and leap, leap frogs, stride jumps, over and under hurdles, log stack and traverse walls.
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